Eczema Treatment – Eczema Care
Medical experts are generally of the opinion that there is no single or simple cure for Atopic Eczema (the most common form of Eczema). This document suggests some methods to minimize the effects of Eczema including the significant benefits of a change in diet.
I know it is really easy to say “don’t scratch your Eczema” but you really need to minimize scratching, scratching opens the skin, allows bacteria to enter the skin and makes things worse
To minimize damage when you really must scratch, keep nails cut short and filed if necessary. For babies, use ‘anti scratch’ mittens.
Eczema food triggers
Although food is generally not the cause of Eczema, for many people the following foods can aggravate Eczema.
· cow's milk,
· eggs,
· nuts,
· soya,
· wheat (includes glutton)
· Yeast – so reduce beer drinking
Eczema Irritants
The following items can cause Eczema flare-ups
· household cleaners
· aftershave
· shampoo
· soap
· detergents
· lotions
· gasoline / petrol
· turpentine / white spirits
· engineering oils
Best clothing for Eczema sufferers
Wool and man-made synthetic materials can irritate your skin, avoid wearing synthetic fibres, and stick to natural materials, such as cotton.
Eliminate excessive heat
Keep rooms cool and fairly obviously - stay away form saunas
Exercise vs Sweat
Regular exercise can help control Eczema. Conversely you should avoid sweat which can exacerbate Eczema.
Eczema - Gloves
Wear vinyl or plastic gloves when working with water or anything that can irritate your skin. Wear cotton gloves under plastic gloves to soak up sweat. Regularly remove the gloves to allow your skin to breath. – I know this all sounds like a real hassle, but it will help.
Complementary Eczema therapies
Some people choose to use complementary therapies to treat atopic eczema, such as aromatherapy (using essential oils for a therapeutic effect).
Eczema Diet
Experts agree that people from western cultures have a greater incidence of Eczema and many people think that diet can make Eczema symptoms worse. There are a number of natural Eczema remedies which focus on diet. Some of these Eczema remedies focus on a special short term diet which focuses on specific foods which help eliminate Eczema for many. After this 10 to 14 day program people can return to a near normal diet.
“Up to 50% of young children with eczema may have a food allergy trigger”
Associate Professor Rohan Ameratunga – Immunology /
If you are breastfeeding a baby who has atopic eczema, you should also seek medical advice before making any changes to your regular diet.
Medical treatment for eczema
As well as using self-help methods, or as an alternative, if you have not got the ‘stickability’ for natural Eczema treatments, your doctor or physician will also be able to prescribe corticosteroids or anabolic steroids which help to control, and ease, your eczema symptoms, however many people are concerned about the long term use of these medications and hence seek natural Eczema treatments.
Eczema Emollients / Moisturisers
If all efforts to find an Eczema cure fail then using emollients (moisturisers), is the most effective way to control Eczema.
Emollients are substances that help to soften and smooth your skin in order to keep it supple and moist.
As atopic Eczema causes your skin to be dry and crack, it is important to keep it moisturised to prevent further irritation.
Apply Emollients be smoothing them into the skin in the same direction as the hair grows. However, avoid rubbing emollients in because doing so can irritate the skin.
After washing, make sure that you gently dry the skin. Apply the emollient as soon as the skin is dry. Do not share emollients with other people.
Eczema Cream
Creams and lotions tend to be more suitable for red, inflamed areas of skin. Ointments are more suitable for areas of dry skin that are not inflamed.
For more information about treating Eczema with natural treatments go to the Natural Eczema Remedies website.
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